Wednesday 4 December 2013

Blow the Whistle. Stand Together for a Better South Africa.

In a recent article by Samantha Parrish, published in the December issue of Longevity Magazine, she relieves a shocking fact: “the current statistics suggest that a person is violated or abused in this country every 17 seconds.” Another shocking fact is that a “rape is reported every eight minutes… One in three women in South Africa WILL BE raped. One. In. Three.” Are you shocked? The thing that scares me the most is that we, as a country, have become so accustomed to all the crimes that go on in our country. This is an everyday occurrence, and too often we turn a deaf ear and thank the heavens that it hasn’t happened to us, or to someone close to us. What kind of mentality have we adopted? Often, I have wondered what I could do to help the situation? How can I make a difference?
On November 21st, I found myself in the beautiful Cupola suite of the Michelangelo Towers in Sandton. Surrounded by the breathtaking scenery, 33 stories above the rest of Johannesburg, and beautiful people. We all gathered to take a stand together against crime in South Africa. Blow the Whistle was launched by Legacy Lifestyle and 5FM DJ Sureshnie Rider and is supported by the SABC Foundation, South African celebrities such as Zuraida Jardine, Gareth Cliff, Zakeeya Patel, Gary Player, Farah Fortune, Fix Moeti, DJ Milkshake, Kurt Darren, James Small, Jonathan Boynton-Lee, Ryk Neethling and many others. The organisation not only endeavors to create awareness around crime in South Africa, but also aims to inspire the citizens of this country to take a stand together.

By now, I am sure that many of you are accustomed to the brutal gang rape, mutilation, and murder of 17-year-old Anene Booysen (Learn more about Anene's story) in the Western Cape. This was the very incident that “incited both Sureshnie and Legacy Lifestyle into action… ‘Knowing that she lay alone in the dark for hours, frightened, and in unimaginable pain, made us all see things differently. We wondered if her life could have been saved if she had a whistle to blow.” To which the decision was made “let’s do it” remarks Legacy’s Bart Dorrestein.”
Something that still resonates with me today is what was said on the night, “we, good, law-abiding citizens, are in the majority, and yet the criminals who are in the minority have such a hold on us, why should this be?” I completely agree with this statement hence my pledge to Blow the Whistle’s cause.

Blow the Whistle is a registered non-profit organisation that is actively trying to make a difference in South Africa. There are three main aspects of this organisation which includes the production and retail of coloured whistles which are on sale at all Legacy Hotels ( and all Cross Trainer Stores in South Africa; the website and mobile app whereby citizens are encouraged to register as an active supporter of this organisation through pledging to BLOW THE WHISTLE.

The mobile app is available for free download (, and the way it works is as follows:
You, as the user, nominate four trusted and reliable people to watch over you while you are alone or travelling. The app “allows the user to select their destination and estimated time of arrival” which is valuable information for the guardians to keep track of your location. “If the allocated time runs out, the app prompts the user to enter a security code to stop or to extend the trip. When the code is not entered, or if it’s entered incorrectly three times, a notification is sent to the guardians along with the user’s coordinates. This app is also equipped with a ‘panic button’. In this, way at any stage, the user can use the app to alert their guardians of their need for help by using the panic button function.
I really do think that is innovative organisation, and all that it stands for, will be successful should the citizens of this country stand together and support one another. We all have been affected by crime whether it is directly or indirectly. Let us stand together to make a difference. Let us stand together to take back OUR country. Let us stand together to put a stop to crime. Together we can make a difference. Take the first step towards a better South Africa by pledging to this cause today.

In order to show your support or to find out more, visit
Facebook         /whistles

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Write Hard and Clear About What Hurts

Ernest Hemingway stated that when writing, one should “write hard and clear about what hurts.” This got me thinking about this past year and all the issues I had in getting to this very point. Previously to writing this, I cried for a good two hours and invited some close friends to my pity party, which they attended (I have amazing friends, just putting it out there).

This past year, I found myself fresh out of university after studying for four years in a job that I hated, mainly because of the people I was under. Nonetheless, I left that profession completely and am now doing something that I love and wouldn’t trade the world for. Within the time that I was working at the ‘horrible job’, my car was broken into and my laptop, which had everything on it, was stolen out of my boot. I was beside myself. All my photos, my work, but most importantly, my memories were gone. I had to come to terms with my loss, even though in hindsight, it is considered a ‘small loss’. I had to let it all go and focus on creating new memories and on the present. After that, I was nearly robbed in the middle of a shopping mall! Thankfully, the gay guy who was passing by was more of a drama queen than I was. He caused the greatest scene that I think I have ever witnessed. Looking back, I should have opened a packet of chips and sat on the floor watching all of this unfold in front of me.

In between all of the above, I had some douche bag mess me around. Cliché problem right? Any who, I ended things in the best way that I could with him – by not saying anything and letting him figure out that I was done with all his games. I deleted his number, blocked him and essentially erased him from my life. It has been nearly two months now and I still find myself thinking about him, not as much as I used to, but still a considerable amount. While, on the other hand, he couldn’t care about what I am going through. At this point, I would like to state that guys have FAR too many options! Statistically, there are more females than males on this earth; this backs my statement.

Now, I pose the question, “am I a horrible person”? What a strange question to ask, but there is logic behind it, hear me out. Horrible things happen to horrible people right? That is my logic, and having stated that, I am a horrible person! According to my friends who sipped on their wine at my party, I am not a horrible person and that sometimes horrible things happen to good people. Sometimes we have to be tested so we can learn, grow and become stronger people. Ok, fine, I can accept that, but hells, I am SO tired of that! I am so tired of learning, of growing, of being tested and becoming stronger. Like can I not live a normal life? Can I just have a moment to enjoy what I do have, which is a lot. I am a strong believer in karma, and have discovered that there are in fact two types of karma: fear-based karma and love-based karma. Fear-based karma is centered around the belief that what you sow, you reap. This type of karma is the consequences, both good and bad, that are presented to you based on your actions. Love-based karma is a gift that brings you life lessons for your soul. This karma grows your being and your spirit. This karma will continue to be presented to you in many other manners until you have learnt the lesson that was meant to be learnt. I believe that I have encountered both types of karma this year, and will definitely continue to encounter them as I grow as a person.

Looking back at this past year, I can honestly say that it has been a trying year and that I have undoubtedly grown holistically. I have encountered some things that I never wish to come across again, but should I ever have a similar situation in the future, I know that I am better equipped to handle whatever life brings me. Have I written hard and clear about what hurts? Have I expressed all that I can? Probably not entirely, but I guess this is one of the main reasons that I have started this whole ‘blogging thing’. Now is the time to try something new, to start something and just run with it, let it grow and become what you want it to be. Rather we live while we are young, wild and free.